Un-Pimp My Ride
Here's hoping these "lame" ride drivin' pimp daddies take Deutschland Snoop's advice and "drop it like it's hot."
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This is the most amazing, surreal, filmlike set of photos I've ever seen on Flickr. Somewhere between beautiful and terrifying, this guy's imagination impresses me no end.
Willie Nelson tells all.
"The Round House," Richard Foster's architectural masterpiece, rotates 360 degrees at the push of a button to offer lovely views of the pond, rolling landscape & reservoir
So I got The Flaming Lips' surround sound 5.1 version of The Soft Bulletin as a birthday present to myself, and it's as awesome as one would expect. :)
Fragrance of powdered tea or roll cloth
* Commodity explanation...
�吾�с�����若�冴�帥�ゃ�� to burn politely moistly it was fragrant in �� dust cloth and mixed the high first class powdered tea, color the refreshing roll cake. Fresh winding the black bean of the Tanba product in the raw cream.
...in my pocket after eating at a Mexican restaurant with my mom. A real buffalo nickel, from 1919!
Wow... I've just seen Steven Soderbergh's new movie, Bubble, which has gotten some press for being released in theaters, on DVD, and on cable TV all in the same week. I picked up the DVD last weekend at Target.