25 April 2006

A 97-degree drop??

YES! This coaster has a 115-foot first drop that's BEYOND vertical.

Check out the video on that first link (warning: Coldplay on soundtrack), then start passing the hat to pay my plane fare to the UK so I can ride this. :)

(Jeremy, you have to go check this out and report back- heh!!)

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23 April 2006


Ah... so THAT'S what that was all about.

I remember running across a friend's mom's Magma albums (she was French) when I was in the 7th grade or so, and I was completely freaked out by them. (Not in a good way.) I actually don't think I've heard any of their music since then... I should probably give them another listen.

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Thomas Dolby is AWESOME

I suppose it might be lame to link a blog post I wrote somewhere else, but I'll do it anyway! Under the guise of spoiler-warnings! If you're going to see Thomas Dolby on his new tour, you might not want to read this review I wrote about last night's show! (huh? huh? how's about that -- I'm just lookin' out for folks!)

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20 April 2006

Bowling for Real Estate

Oh MAN, this makes me wish I could bowl worth a crap.

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19 April 2006

Still Free

I'm still speechless from this. Mark Ecko has tagged Air Force One, right under the noses of the military. Brilliant. The video got my heart racing and adrenaline pumping just watching it. What balls. I still HATE taggers (as opposed to true graffiti artists, who are cool with me), but the political aspects of this make it so cool to me. Too bad he didn't really do it!

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16 April 2006

Might have seen this already

This could be old news, particularly if you check the Bog, but this Interview with the Residents is hilarious (via YouTube).

Also, in an attempt to pimp out more projects and stuff, I've got another additional blog, too! A friend of mine's got an online radio station at Steve.FM, and he asked me to maybe put together a group-blog for him, and so I did! I'm basically the editor, and there's a few other folks. The main thrust will be local Seattle acts, but, well, it won't be exclusively so... so, check it out if you're so inclined. Hooray for self-promotion!

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Personal DNA

That little bar is the result of my taking the personality test at PersonalDNA.com. It's a very cool little quiz... a strange but clever interface, and better questions than you usually see on these kind of things.

The test categorized me as a "Respectful Visionary"... heh! You can mouse over the colors to see what they represent.

So... try it and post you result here! (I had to use the HTML version of the results graph- there's a smaller script version, but apparently Blogger wouldn't display it.)

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13 April 2006

One (daydream) nation, indivisible...

How cool is this: Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation is now part of the U.S. Library of Congress!

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11 April 2006

You missed your turn you f**king stupid sod!

Yeah yeah, we've all seen these GPS gadgets that let you navigate by satellite. Some of them will even give you prompts so you can make your turns audibly. So why not have a celebrity voice lead you to your destination? How about directions read by Mr. T or Ozzy Ozbourne??

Do NOT miss the comments on the Mr. T link.

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10 April 2006


This is mostly for Lee, but hey -- looks like this week a box set of Peter Greenaway's early stuff. I have to admit that I'm not really a Greenaway fan (though Windows is pretty good), but I have to admit that he is a gorgeous photographer. His composition is outstanding; it's a standard film-school cliche that you should be able to take any one frame of a film and be able to put it on your wall as an art print, but with Greenaway, it's actually true. And this does underline the great thing with DVD -- stuff like this is more readily available, with bonus stuff and explanatory material and everything.

And, on the other side of the coin, after being released on a special Big Box type edition, David Lynch's Dumbland just got released on normal DVD, too -- which is completely and utterly ugly, stupid and hilarious. It's not for everyone, but I love it. The only down side is that there were only 8 episodes, each only a few minutes long. Still, though, it's pretty hilarious.

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07 April 2006

But... WHY?

THIS is not a photograph. It took 11 months to complete. But... WHY?

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02 April 2006


Originally uploaded by lee_3dhighway.
OK, it has kinda been spring here in Atlanta for almost a month, with all the daffodils and whatnot, but our street suddenly looks like spring this weekend... yeeha! :D

Of course, not every growing thing is welcome.

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