21 July 2005

Working Title

Haven't you ever said, "MAN, I wish there was some way to combine photoepilepsy and movie title screens! And maybe add a drum machine, too! And a little bit of sound collage, too, why not? That might be cool..."?

Well, now someone has!

(It's actually pretty cool, to be honest. I watched the entire thing and ended up pausing it a few times and flipping through and looking at certain stills. And, hey, it's a cool way to see a bunch of title design at once.)


Blogger Lee H. said...

Hah! That's terrific! :D And some very good movies in there, too.

Putting them alphabetically was a great touch. Otherwise it'd just be blinding, with no sense of moving forward.

5:52 PM, July 21, 2005  
Blogger Rev. Syung Myung Me said...

Yeah -- it was actually really cool. Vaguely exhausting, but I thought it was cool to see all of them in a row -- also, seeing the references to each other -- Battle Royale and King Kong are simiilar, and Citizen Kane is in a similar sort of bin -- stuff that's obvious but maybe not something you'd instantly notice without seeing them back to back so quickly like this. And I think I might have seen one or two alternates in there, too, from, like, different edits/versions of the movies. Still, though, it's really cool. (Only minor complaint -- too bad he didn't slot "Working Title" in under W -- would have been an amusing bit of recursion.)

But yeah -- it's fun AND it's a way to show off design. I wish I'd had that idea, heh.

(What'd be awesome is if someone were to do a remix, perhaps re-ordering the titles based on the little sound-samples, making some sort of beat/collage/type thing. I think that could be pretty awesome, especially the way it'd, by necessity, keep looping back to certain Title Screens. Man, that'd be awesome, really.)

7:07 PM, July 21, 2005  
Blogger Lee H. said...

I thought it was cool to see all of them in a row -- also, seeing the references to each other -- Battle Royale and King Kong are similar

OK, I have to admit I only made it into the mid-G's before I figured out that the rest of it was going to look basically just like what I'd seen to that point, and that I had the idea. You're right that Working Title would have been an EXCELLENT addition to the W's, though. :D

9:06 PM, July 21, 2005  
Blogger Rev. Syung Myung Me said...

It was kinda funny, just because I kept aaalllllmosttt turning it off, but figuring it was just a few minutes long. But still. It was probably worth it, though there's, like, not really any surprises or anything..8) No twist ending...8)

9:46 PM, July 21, 2005  

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