08 October 2006

Project Post-Mortem

..since I apparently have nothing to post other than my stuff that I've written, this is a post-mortem of a project that I just started and abandoned this morning that'd been in the planning for something absurd like 5 years! Hooray! It was a little story about a Man, his girlfriend, his baby, another woman, and a little place called Evening Shade Heaven.

Also -- been listening to the Daniel Johnston tribute record/best of compilatoin The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered today, and MAN it is excellent. If you can't get past Daniel's singing, it's great because the other artists provide a really great venue to see what a EXCELLENT songwriter Daniel is. And, after listening to that and going to the disc that's got the originals, you really grow to appreciate Daniel's original versions quite a bit more, too. It's made me really go away from being a mere appreciator of his talent into much more of an actual Fan, which is pretty cool. Highly, highly recommended!


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